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Graphic Design

Graphic Design in Digital Marketing

Marketers Believe in Graphic Design

Understanding the Importance of Graphic Designing in Digital Marketing is crucial. In the never-ending and continuously evolving era of Digital Marketing, Graphic design plays a very important role. The significant role of it can never be overlooked as this is the medium to connect visually with the audience. This article explores why graphic design is crucial for digital marketing. Here we will also learn and understand how it incorporates livelihood into the online presence.

Graphic design communicates, in a visual appearance, with your target audience. It is a collaboration, between art and profession, that streamlines marketing strategies. This helps, marketing to convey a particular message, to the public in a visual manner.

Graphic Design conveys information to a target group of people, using various modes, such as, Pictures, Graphs, Shapes, Images, lines, Visuals, Video, and so on.

In simple words, we can say that Graphic designing is a visual communication between a Brand and an Audience. The process has 3 major parts where 1st is the Message which has to be communicated, 2nd the Graphic where the message has been incorporated and the final i.e. Customer AKA Audience for whom the message is created.

The Designers demonstrate their creative skills in the images or videos where they focus on the message that has to be delivered. The clients showcase these designs for the sake of promoting their business or communicating with consumers.

What is Graphic Design?

Graphic design is a group of Fonts, Typography, Colours, Icons, Shapes, Strokes, Painting, and all those elements used to create an Image. The Importance of Graphic Designing in Digital Marketing is to communicate with a targeted audience.


This is based on the basic principles of designing and psychology of a Brand. For example, a company includes graphic design on its landing pages. And since landing pages are built to convert leads into sales, their graphic design must be that engaging to the same.


It is scientifically proven that AV is more Powerful than Text only, which is why a Landing Page must comprise a compelling Image or Video with a Call To Action (CTA) Button to hit it the viewer. Because humans can process images 60,000 faster than text.


Digital marketers must use Graphic Design in visual communication. The human brain transmits 90 percent of visuals to be processed, and this method of communication is apt with how humans process information naturally. That is the main reason why companies bank on graphics in their marketing strategies. The importance of Graphic design can not be overlooked.

Why is Graphic Design Crucial to Create a Visual Identity?

Establishing Brand Recognition

The primary duty of any marketing is to create a Brand Identity. Graphic design is the base of this goal. The Graphic Design creates a visual perception of any Brand in the minds of the Target Audience.

It creates a different image among the competitors. You are using a colour to represent your Brand values, mission, and vision. One must incorporate distinctive logos, color schemes, and typography to communicate with your target audience.

First Impressions Matter

As it is said that First Impression is the Last Impression. That is why the importance of Graphic Designing In the digital realm, accelerates extensively. In this fast-paced world, a Digital Marketer has only a few seconds to make an everlasting impression upon the viewers.

Graphic Designing must be appealing either in images or videos that captivate your audience instantly. A well-designed landing page of the website or social media post can leave a powerful first impression that entices users to explore further.

Benefits of Graphic Design in Digital Marketing

It is very important to understand the role of Graphic Designing and it’s impact on the potential customer. Each and every design element is important in creating a design. Igf you consult to any Branding or Marketing agency, they will tell you only one thing. That is, that Graphic designing and Digital Marketing work hand in hand.

That is why you must create and choose your visual very cautiously.

Here are a few benefits of graphic design in digital marketing.


#1 Build Brand Identity

Among your competitors, you have to create your own Style, Tone, Appearance, and making your own identity. Every Brand can be identified by a glimpse of its creativity and customers relate themselves with it. That is where a Brand has greater awareness in the market and more reach among their competitors.

People remember the visuals more than any text or Taglines. Thus, a creative or Mascot related to your brand can be easily recognized and remembered.

This is the most remarkable benefit of Graphic Designing where it creates a Brand image and differentiates with the crowd. It also creates a connection with your customers.

To create a Brand, consistency in all your creatives such as background colour, typography, icons, size of the text, and font style, Branding consistency is vital in digital marketing. This is how any customer and understand that this banner, or design is of your Brand, with only just a glimpse of a look.

When you refer to the Corporate Branding Guidelines, it is statistically proved that people remember the Brand more with consistent colour and style. Customers connect more with the Brand than any other product. In creating a Brand Graphic Designing can make a pivotal role in Digital Marketing.


#2 Design Communicates your brand story


It is said that “A picture is worth a thousand words,”. Graphic Designing through Digital Marketing make a very powerful first impression. While building a Brand image, it is very important that your first impression is very positive and powerful.

When we create a Brand image and spread the word about the company it is always Design first and next is text. You always come up with the jaw-dropping ideas. Take, for example, Tata’s logo; you don’t see a purpose, vision, or even tagline, but seeing the Tata logo alone is all you need to know that it is a Tata product. This is how your design communicates more effectively than words. Also, this is the best example of Umbrella Branding where this logo is used in all products of Tata, be it Automobile, Tech, Hotel, Consumer Durable or whatever. You trust the brand and relate it with the pride of India.

According to a study, 63 percent of people are drawn to purpose-driven brands.

When you are building your Brand you are not only promoting or selling your product or service you are creating a relationship, passion, pride, and connection with instead of selling first.


That is why every Brand has an “About Us” page on their website, where they provide details about their company, people, vision, mission, team, and lot more. This is how they connect with their customers as a family and make a bond.


#3 Describes Your Company’s History & Philosophy

Graphic design is not only a collection of images, icons, font and style, but also it is a display of the Brand’s history and perspective toward, their audience.

It should not only be astonishing but also eye-catching artistic creation for the visual treat to their audience.

#4 Customization


Marketers create a masterpiece with their creativity. A blank canvas can go live and communicate with the customers. You can make it customized for every different Brand. As per the message and Brand’s need, you can create a different message in every creative. Though there are thousands of stock images available in the internet but using those will not scale your brand to the level you want. As this is available in the net and there is a large possibility that any other brand might be using the same image for their creatives as well.


Using stock images does not give the Brand a personality and connection with their audience. That is why Digital Marketers create a customized and dedicated creative for each Brand and post.

With the help of the Digi Ghost you cater the market as required and go an extra mile with our expertise.

They don’t give it personality, and other brands are probably also using those images. However, with customized graphic designs, you’re implying to your audience that, you go the extra mile to cater to them. Plus, with customized visuals, your communication is also on a more personalized level.

#5 Creates Credibility and A Professional Image

Digital Marketing always use a creative Graphic Design which is eye catching to customers. But to be an eye catching creative you must not forget that you are a Brand with professional image.

Thus, you have to remember the sense of liability towards customers and belief that your customers Trust you. This is how you exhibit the image which attracts the attention as well as creates a sense of reliability. Then your customer turns into a loyal customer.

A graphic design with high quality adds a lot of value to your Brand image and creates a great perception.

#6 Professionalism

You have to always create a professional Graphic and post it to your platforms. This automatically creates a professional image among the target audience and builds trust.

A professional image with a Brand value creates an authentic message to the market and provides a strong presence in the market.

More than 90% of buyers say they make purchasing decisions based on a company’s website. This means your creativity in Graphic design is very important in your social media posts as well as on your website.

Simply, The Digi Ghost serves the best Graphic designing service and the best Digital Marketing Agency for a reason.

#7 Easy to Digest

People are more attracted to AV format than text. It is also scientifically proven that humans consume & remember more AV content than text. Thus, in the realm of deniability, a good Creative is always a better option to the Digital Marketer.

The Best Digital Marketing Agencies like The Digi Ghost always prefer AV content and creative to loads of information in text format.


For example, let us talk about the landing Pages of your website. While creating the landing pages only text content won’t attract the customers to invest time and digest the text information for him. On the other hand, if your website has information in attractive manner and in AV format then there is a greater chance that the page will have more visitors, lesser bounce rate and retention will be much higher too.


Why do you think that infographics are getting popular more and more than detailed blogs? The simple reason is it is easy to understand, process, and remember. The more your creative is interactive the more engagement will be on your post website or page.


Customers easily invest a good amount of time in engaging and creative posts and this is where Graphic Design in Digital Marketing plays a great role in captivating the customers.


 #8 Boosts Traffic to Your Website

Search Engines rank the websites with high DA faster than lesser DA websites. In improving the domain authority there are lots of parameters.

Improving User Experience

User experience is the zenith of the Digital Marketing world. Well well-structured website and an appealing website attract more customers through Graphic Designing. With great Graphics, you provide a pleasant experience to your customers and create a better chance for the conversation.

SEO Optimization

Well-optimized graphics and visuals are more appreciated and ranked in the Search engines. Well-tagged labelled and described images rank faster and help in improving website ranking as well. High-ranked websites are more discoverable to your potential customers.


#9 It’s the Strength Behind Your Company’s Name

This is evident that Graphic Design makes a huge impact on building the Brand’s image. But many people are not seeing this truth. There are many examples where you can recognize the brand with just a glimpse of its Logo, colour, or design.

Even there are many companies whose product is so popular that it overshadows the company name itself and becomes the Brand itself. The best example in Digital Marketing we can say is “GOOGLE” which itself has become a Brand but only a few people know the name of the parent company which is “ALPHABET”

We can easily recognize Google with the colour theme or “G” alone, that is the power of Graphic Design.

#10 Helps in Maintaining Trust

We live in an era when “knowledge is available to everyone.” Even the smallest information or news gets viral in God Speed nowadays. Thus, in the era of this information, customers can easily get confuse, and building a trust among the competitors is a very important part of where we implement Graphical AV impact.

A good design will successfully express your message to the customers and provide a clear image to them. As a result, Brand takes advantage of this opportunity very well.

In the process of building a Brand, excellent Graphic Design builds trust and maintain the same.

What Should Your Design Include?

To make a powerful Brand image it is advised to hire an experienced and passionate Digital Marketing Agency like The Digi Ghost. Through this, you can get excellent and professional Graphic Design which is implemented in Digital Marketing. The Best Digital Marketing Agency creates an appealing design to attract customers and lure them to make a purchase.

As per the statistics, 60% of potential customers access the website on mobile. That is why it is most important that the website is mobile-optimized. If the website is not optimized for mobile then with a bad experience you are not only going to lose your client but also it will increase the bounce ratio for the page.

The higher the bounce ratio is, the higher will be Spam Score for your website. In succession to it this will result in the bad Domain Authority. Ultimately it will result in bad ranking in Search Engine, and all the efforts for SEO will go in vain.

When Do You Use Graphic Design?


It may be believed that Graphic Design is the only relevant part of Digital Marketing, but it is not like that. Many factors make an impact on SEO. But definitely, Graphic design is the starting of making a Brand. First, you make a Logo, which is the emblem of your Brand and it resonates not only with the name of the Brand but also with the vision. Further business cards, brochures, banners, Website Design, Landing pages, Product packaging, social media posts, etc.

Every post, creative, and design must be synchronized so that customer does not get confused with the different creatives. Every marketing collateral must be in synced so properly that the customer relates to the Brand with every creative.

Often small businesses or startups can’t afford Best Digital Marketing Agency or Best Graphic Designing services. But it is strongly suggested that if you want to be noticed among the ocean of competitors, then a Digital Marketing Agency such as The Digi Ghost must be hired.

This is how your Brand can create a great impact on the customers.



We see Graphic design and AV everywhere every time in every street post, poster, billboard, or establishment signage. We unconsciously make decisions without knowing it. This is how we demonstrate how crucial it is to invest in Graphic Designing in Digital Marketing.


Graphic designing has become an inevitable tool that every business is taking advantage of and surely making an impact in the realm of Business.

If you’re looking for a digital marketing agency with professional graphic designers who can assist you in creating a successful image for your business, contact THE DIGI GHOST. We will help you design your success. Contact our business solutions advisors for your graphic design needs.


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